Thomas Eigel - Pictures, Art, Photography

Thomas Eigel

Background Information about Thomas Eigel


What in the harbors of the world would be nothing more than a gigantic pyramid of stacked merchandise, turns out, upon closer look, to be a system of individual building blocks. The Hamburg photographer Thomas Eigel has stayed true to his subject of aesthetic abstraction. In an exact 4x4 format, he photographed the front side of overseas containers. The result is astounding: lackluster containers transform into mysterious, quadratic front pieces with all sorts of unique characteristics. Colors, fittings, logos, signs, and other extras tell the story of a trip around the world. One could even say: only the famous racing cars of the 1970s were more stylish.

Stephan Reisner


It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's Pop Art! For his Plane series Thomas Eigel's characteristic formalism soars to new heights and brings the dream of flying to life with magnificent eye-popping machines. The artist crafts the airplanes in vibrantly saturated colors and sets them against monochrome backgrounds. This composition constructs a pop art experience of aerospace that celebrates the interplay of form and color. An encounter that goes beyond even Otto Lilienthal's wildest dreams.


1980 Completion of secondary school 
1980-86Studies in ethnology, classical archaeology, philosophy, and communication at the Friedrich Wilhelm Universität zu Bonn
1986 freelance photographer
1998 opening of EIGEL STUDIOS advertising agency
Lives and works (self-employed photographer) in Hamburg, Germany


2009Maison Alexandre, Kunsthöfe, Berlin, Germany 
sichtbar, Elbrausch, Hamburg, Germany
2008dark star, Landtag NRW, Düsseldorf, Germany
2007 Fine Art Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Videokunst im Umspannwerk, Berlin, Germany
Galerie Jan Schlütter, Cologne
 Liste Köln, Cologne 
eyes wide open, Galerie Vero Wollmann, Stuttgart


“Colour Summer,” Young Gallery, Brussels
2005“Lisalounge,” Crowne Plaza City Centre, Cologne
“Conversions,” Young Gallery, Brussels
2004ShowRooms, Cologne
“Homage an Eve Klein,” Taurus & Twins, Cologne
Exhibition, Crowne Plaza City Centre, Cologne
2003“Art Photography,” Vintage Gallery, Cologne