Sven Pfrommer - Pictures, Art, Photography Sven Pfrommer

Sven Pfrommer

Background Information about Sven Pfrommer


With his cross-disciplinary approach, Sven Pfrommer blurs the lines between photography, painting and printmaking. His series Human Blur is based on 20 years of careful observations of people around the world. In the series, he carries his passion for the blur of diciplines onto the visual level: He creates a series of allusions. In which a hidden abstract element of what surrounds us becomes visible in a hypnotic way, overcoming the laws of physics by the capturing of movement. A stream of kinetic energies visualized – in the form of human silhouettes. An interaction of light and shadow, an interplay of levels of meaning.
Portraying the aesthetics of imperfection, a tribute to the human nature, being alive and in motion.

In his series East by West, Sven Pfrommer takes us on a journey across the United States. His colourful images celebrate feelings of freedom and adventure. We drive along the palm-tree-lined Sunset Boulevard against the setting sun, before heading on to Chicago and downtown Manhattan.

The mixed media collages, with their unique pop-art flair, were created from photos, print graphics, and painting. With layers of different urban fragments, the images appear dynamic and in flux. Through this approach, the artist succeeds in capturing the diverse sights, sounds, and sensations of a road trip in his expressive images.

Well-known symbols, highways signs, and characteristic lettering – Pfrommer utilizes shapes that are recognisable to us and, in doing so, captures the essence of the different locations. Graphic precision clashes with the untamed spirit of abstract painting to produce energetic and intense perceptual experiences.

Daniela Kummle


Berlin-based artist Sven Pfrommer works internationally as a photographer, visual artist and lecturer. As a graduate of Visual Communication Cesign at the University of Hildesheim he realized his first visions by moving to London to study Graphic Design at the Royal College of Art in London. As he had begun to create art from an early age based on a multidisciplinary approach from an early age, he has furthermore become founder of “Pfrommer Studios” and “Wunderbild gallery”.


Prix Gold, PX3, Prix de la Photographie de Paris
Walter Tiemann Prize
Luftbrücken Award from the British Council


Ayala Museum, Manila
Brisky Galerie, Esslingen, Deutschland
11th Douro Biennial 2023, Portugal
CAMP Gallery, New York City
Bruce Lurie Gallery, Los Angeles
Galeria Emergentes, Braga, Portugal
DiLegno Gallery, Singapor
Galerie Muschik, Aschaffenburg, Deutschland
Henry Moore Gallery, London, UK


Picasso once said, “you don’t make art, you find it.” Where do you find your art?
Mostly on journeys, both physically and mentally.

From an idea to its materialization: How do you approach your work?
I run an idea catalog for projects, some linger a long time until they are realized, others are just waiting for the right time and place.

What is your favorite book?

Comic fan: The Adventures of Tintin.

Which artist would you like to have coffee with and what would you discuss?

Andy Warhol and Robert Rauschenberg visited Berlin together, a chance to listen to two legends.

How did you get into art?

I was born into a family of artists and received traditional academic training in visual arts and graphic design at universities in Germany and the UK. Already as a teenager I started repainting my black and white photos with glaze paints. As well as many other artists I’ve been working as a commercial art director in advertising and design agencies after graduation.

Who are the people in your surroundings that influence you?

Family, friends, colleagues.

Imagine you have a time machine. Where would you go?
To the Swinging Sixties – for the sake of the music, the awakening in art, culture and society.

Other than art, what are you most passionate about?

What are you working on right now?
I still have a few interior design projects to finish before I can give myself to the new series again.