Klaus Weddig - Pictures, Art, Photography

Klaus Weddig

Background Information about Klaus Weddig



Ever since Polaroid first brought instant cameras onto the market in the 1970s, artists have drawn inspiration from the unique colours and soft focus of the photographs with the famous white border. The Polaroids by Frankfurt-based photographer Klaus Weddig have their own unique aesthetic: a compelling beauty that reminds us of long-forgotten summer days.

The instant images in Weddig’s “Polascapes” series have a suggestive power born from their ambiguous nature. Weddig finds his subjects in Germany’s Baltic Sea resorts and in destinations along the Spanish coast, such as Cadiz. With the sense of intimacy so characteristic of Polaroids, he captures the poetry of a day at the beach. In doing so, he gives viewers the unmistakeable feeling they are looking at memories of their very own holidays; every dream-like sequence carries a story that is personal to each of us.

Weddig takes advantage of the picturesque quality of the medium to produce beachscapes that appear almost like paintings. The light absorbed onto the film shimmers diffusely, the fleeting moments of happiness are captured in faded colours. Though they may take just a few seconds to develop, Weddig’s photographs exude a raw honesty that sets them apart.

In “Polascapes”, Klaus Weddig has achieved a visual representation of wanderlust through a series of photos whose magic lies in their authenticity.

Hannah Hör


1960born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
1982 - 1986Studied Photography at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
1990 - PresentFreelance photographer
Lives and works in Frankfurt


DDC-Award in Silver

DDC-Award in Bronze



2016 Polascapes, Bay Gallery, Frankfurt, Germany
2000Kleiner Salon, Frankfurt, Germany
2017Shoot out, Photo and video installation with Chris Kondek + Christiane Kühl (USA/D) Schauspiel, Leipzig, Germany
2017Open Studios 5, Group Exhibition, ATELIERFRANKFURT, Frankfurt, Germany
2017Polascapes, Group Show "Wasser", Kunstverein Bad Nauheim, Bad Nauheim, Germany
2016Open Studios 4, Group Exhibition, ATELIERFRANKFURT, Frankfurt, Germany
2015Open Studios 3, Group Exhibition, ATELIERFRANKFURT, Frankfurt, Germany
2015Shoot out, Photo and video installation with Chris Kondek + Christiane Kühl (USA/D) HAU 2 – Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin, Germany
2014Shoot out, Das Detroit Projekt, Schauspielhaus Bochum/ Urbane Künste Ruhr, Germany
2012 Artists for Artists, Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt, Germany