Katrin Korfmann - Pictures, Art, Photography

Katrin Korfmann

Background Information about Katrin Korfmann


Katrin Korfmann creates spaces full of memories and motion in her works. At first glance, they seem as if they were photographs taken spontaneously from a bird's eye view, but in fact, if you take a closer look, you’d be surprised. An ingeniously arranged work of art reveals itself, one that contains more than a brief, fleeting moment. Korfmann’s work demands great effort and its production requires many steps because she uses a multitude of photographs to artfully orchestrate one singular scene. She merges people and vibrant moments together, filling the space with action, which brings the portrait to life. By combining individual elements, she creates a holistic picture with a thrilling meditation on distance and proximity.

Korfmann usually seeks out bustling public places with lots of movement for her works. Then, from an elevated point she captures various people or groups from a bird's-eye view. She uses tools, such as aerial platforms, to achieve the necessary height and distance. She then arranges the individual shots in her studio and composes her complex works of art. She enables the viewer to identify the space through individuals. Therefore, clothing plays a special role, as well as the actions of the protagonists.

Korfmann's works have been exhibited all over the world in galleries, museums, and public spaces since the late 1990s. She has received several awards for her accomplishments, including the Prix de Rome and the Esther Kroon Award, as well as scholarships from the Akademie der Künste Berlin and the Mondriaan Fund. She is an active artist and works as a tutor at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague. She studied at the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam, where she specialized in photography, and continued her research with residencies at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam, the Cittadellarte in Biella, and the Chinese European Art Centre in Xiamen, China.


Katrin Korfmann grew up in Berlin and now lives and works in Amsterdam.